Law of Attraction Changed My Life is reliably the number one podcast in the UK for self help & has a legion of celebrity fans including Married At First Sight’s Paul Brunson.
“If you’re listening to this podcast, you’ve found the right person to teach you” - Paul Brunson
For press enquiries - hello@francescaamber.com
Francesca Amber
Law of Attraction Changed My Life
“Francesca is the Germaine Greer of our age.”
- Russell Brand
“Francesca is a manifester par excellence. She also turns out to be an excellent, if highly sweary podcast host.”
- The Guardian
“Francesca’s admirable determination to manage & improve her own life while encouraging everyone else to do the same makes her an inspiration.”
- A Week in Audio, The Observer
“Lincoln podcaster who manifests dreams into reality is ‘living proof’ of the law of attraction.”
- The Lincolnite

Women's Health
Fran's "top 10 tips for aiming and achieving big in 2023".
"Francesca Amber makes it happen, just by thinking about it."
The Guardian

The Lincolnite Podcast
With Ronnie Byrne
Meet the woman who "picked her husband" three years before meeting him.