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Subliminal & Affirmation Audio

Affirmations and subliminals are incredibly powerful if listened to daily & are easy to insert into your bedtime routine. In addition, that time between waking & sleeping is particularly susceptible to positive messaging.​

These audios are full of powerful affirmations.  There are in fact over 100 affirmations repeated in these audios.​

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Subliminal Audio: All you will hear is the relaxing music, perfect for falling asleep to. The affirmations ARE being played underneath, but are not audible to our conscious mind, making them very powerful and ideal for environments where you don’t want people to hear the words.  ​

Affirmation Audio: You will be able to hear the affirmations very clearly.

"Fran's approach is so real and so down to earth that it felt so easy to implement LOA into my own life. Thank you for helping a sister live her best life!"

- Book Club Bitch


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